Professor Aubrey Pohl
- Assistant Professor
Art Discipline:
- Graphic Design
Office: (662) 325-2970
211 Stafford Hall
I am a designer, researcher, artist, visual communicator, and lover of images. I choose to use the term “designer” quite broadly. In all its history, context, and culture, it has inherited many meanings. My definition of the term morphs and changes as I do. My practice institutes a multitude of experimental processes as well as traditional ones. Above all, both as a designer and a human, I engage in social awareness and activism in design, looking to learn from the processes of architecture and trading the construction of physical spaces for metaphysical ones.
Research interests:
My research focuses on methods of data abstraction, or the intentional, goal-oriented use of data to inform and abstract instances of design and visual communication.
Methods of my research focus on abstract forms of data visualization and information design, engaging in the process from start to finish; research and data collection, data organization, data application, creative output informed by data, so on and so forth.
Areas of Expertise
data visualization information design experimental design processes alternative tools for design creative programming identity and branding editorial design printmaking animation design vexillology